@pongphoto_art via Twenty20

Augmented Revolution

The arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a change that will affect the social and economic sectors.

Digital whiteboards, multimedia elements and creative software have long been used in conjunction with smartphone and notebooks and augmented reality probably occupies the most prominent position thanks to the innumerable educational advantages provided by this technological-educational immersion tool. In the coming years, more than one billion people worldwide are expected to be active AR users, which opens up a range of opportunities for teachers and educational institutions, and of course also for companies.

The cutting-edge technology used in mobile devices today, global positioning, recognition and tracking of shapes, the vision of realities and the Internet of things, will unite in the development of Augmented reality as a technological change that will be part of the new technology of life and will revolutionize the industry and the education. Scoble (2017)

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